Members Help

Gilchrist HOA Website Help /FAQ

Portions of the GHOA Website are restricted to GHOA Members Only.

GHOA Website Membership allows you to keep up on the Latest News that effects your GHOA. You’ll also have access to important Forms, Guidelines and Policies. Members must be logged in to view Members Only Information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q). How do I Register:
 Send an email to and include the following information in the Body of your email:

  • Your Name: (First and Last)
  • Email Address: (Must be a valid email address)
  • House Number: (Your Gilchrist House Number)
  • Full Address: (Including City, State and Zip)
  • Phone Number: (Including Area Code)

All Registrations must be approved by the administration before you can login to the website. The Approval process can take from 24 to 48 hours (Weekends and Holidays Excluded). If you send a request for registration or password reset on Sat or Sun, you will not receive a reply until the following Monday, Tuesday or possibility Wednesday.

If you have not received your Registration Approval Email within Two (2) business days (Weekends and Holidays Excluded), please Contact Us.

After receiving approval, proceed to the Gilchrist HOA login page to login.

Q): How do I Login?

  1. Click the “Members Login” link in the Top or Left side menu.
  2. On the login page enter your User Name, Security Code and Password.
  3. Enter the Security code exactly as you see it.
  4.  To Logout click the “Logout” link in the Top or Left side menu. It is always a safe and good practice to logout when you are finished viewing any website.

Q): How do I change my User Name?
Answer: User Names may not be changed.

Q): How do I change my Password?
Answer: Click the “Edit Profile” link in the Top or Left side menu to change your password.

Q): What to do if you Lost, or Can Not Remember your Password?
Answer: Click the “Lost Password” link under the Login box on the Login Page. You will need to enter your User Name associated with your account. The website will send you an email that includes a link to reset your password as long as the information you entered is correct and in our system. You may use the password the system gives you, or, you may change it to a different password but make sure it is very strong.

Q): Can I change my Email Address?
Answer: Yes. Click the “Edit Profile” link in the Top or Left side menu to change your Email Address.

Q): How do I Create a Strong Password?

Answer: When creating a new password, “strength” is the key to security. It is recommended you use at least two characters from each of the 4 categories below in your new password. The best practice is to use at least 12 characters (or more) when creating passwords.

  1. Use At Lease 2 UPPERCASE LETTERS from, A through Z
  2. Use At Least 2 lower case letters from, “a to z”
  3. Use At Least 2 Numbers from, “0 through 9”
  4. Use At Least 2 of the following in any combination, ! @ # $ % ^ & * (  )
  5. WE RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT USE your Name, Birthdays, Birth Place, Children’s Names, Social Security Number, Phone Numbers, Drivers License Number or Your Pets Name for your password.


  1. JoHn%Lik3s#maRy!
  2. Th3#doG*iS@bRowN(

Maybe your favorite phrase that’s easy for you to remember would be a good choice for your new password. Just remember to apply the information above when creating it. Phrases are sometimes easier to use than trying to think of a strong password. Try not to use more common phrases. Make up your own.

In example 1, we used the phrase “John Likes Mary” and modified it using additional characters from our suggestions above.

In example 2, we used the phrase “The Dog Is Brown” and again we modified it using additional characters from our suggestions above.

IMPORTANT! Please Do Not use the 2 examples we have given above for obvious reasons.

If you don’t follow these practices, it’s not a question of “IF” your password gets cracked/hacked. It’s a question of “When” you’re password “WILL” be Cracked/Hacked if you don’t take steps to make it $tr0ng&S3cUr3 (Strong & Secure).

If you would like to see how strong your password is before you use it, why not go to this website How Secure Is My Password and type or paste your new password in the testing box to see just how long it would take for a someone to crack your new creation. If you’ve created a password that would take Millions+ years to crack, you did a good job! Then take it one step farther and add a couple more special characters. Stronger is always better!

You should change your password every 30, 60, or 90 days. It takes 2 minutes or less to change your password. We know this is not something people like to do and you have enough to do and remember without having to change your password so often. Following this advice can save you from having your identity stolen and help this website from being compromised from the lack of a STRONG Password. Passwords are your responsibility Write down your password and keep it in a safe place.

If nothing else, take the time and download one of the many FREE Password Managers online. You can add all your passwords to it and when you return to a site where you need to login, the password manager (depending on which one you use) will do the remembering for you. Some Password Managers you pay for will even change your Passwords for you automatically every so often. Its like having a Secret Service Person working for you 24/7.

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